Dear SAFe-mail user,

SAFe-mail is a secure communication environment. Everything you are doing inside SAFe-mail is secure. SAFe-mail is a web-based communication system that is accessible at any time from any location using almost any type of communication device. SAFe-mail has the highest security without sacrifice to ease of use and mobility. There is no need for downloads, installations, setup or even cookies to use SAFe-mail.

The most common way to use SAFe-mail is via a browser such as Explorer or Netscape. However, SAFe-mail's e-mail functions can also be accessed by e-mail clients such as Outlook etc. We support email clients via POP and IMAP. We recommend IMAP because of greater security and because of improved environment. We recommend POP is used only to check if there are any new messages. The disadvantage of e-mail clients besides being able to access only the e-mail functions of SAFe-mail, is that they need some setup and therefore are less mobile.

SAFe-mail is seamlessly compatible with many communication standards including POP, IMAP, SMTP and MIME and their secure variations. S/MIME, which is the PKI implementation for e-mail, requires the Private Key and Digital Certificate of the sender plus the Digital Certificates of all the recipients to be available at all times. SAFe-mail's Certificate Servers automatically record all incoming certificates of non-SAFe-mail users and make them available to all of SAFe-mail's users. With the SAFe-mail system, SAFe-mail's Certificate Server manages and utilises everyone's Digital Certificates. Because this administration is managed automatically in the background, the user is completely unaware and shielded from what's happening.

SAFe-mail is a unique implementation of PKI from two major viewpoints:

1. WEB-Based

SAFe-mail is implemented on a server accessible via the Internet. Every user that opens an account at SAFe-mail is assigned his/her own space. We call that space the Virtual Secure User Space (VSUS). Each VSUS is accessible only to its owner. The Private Key and the Digital Certificate of the user are installed in the user's VSUS and the Private Key is protected by the user's password. A copy of the user's certificate is also kept in SAFe-mail's Certificate Server.

This design ensures that the user cannot loose his Private Key due to the usual causes of loosing digital data, i.e. disk crash, careless installation of a new OS version, theft etc. Equally, this design ensures true mobility since the private key is not installed on the local PC.

2. Completely automated and seamless operation

A common mistake made by many is to say that PKI is automated. Real life experience proves one thing to anyone who ever tried to use PKI: PKI is a huge pain to all parties involved. Certificate Authorities, senders and recipients all have a burden that is so intense that there is virtually no PKI implementation for regular e-mailing.

With SAFe-mail, PKI becomes absolutely invisible to all parties involved.

For Individuals:
Individuals using SAFe-mail have only one thing to do to be PKI compliant: use this form to apply for a Digital Certificate.

For Organizations:
Organizations simply have to use the Digital Certificates of their clients to communicate securely using PKI. There is no need to issue, renew or otherwise managed Digital Certificates.

Certificate Authority:
SAFe-mail is acting as Certificate Authority and performs all the centralized functions of the PKI system: issuing, renewing and revoking.